Do you suffer from emotional exhaustion?
I remember as a young mom all of my older friends saying, enjoy these years, they are the easy years. And I would laugh as I hustled around getting the kids to school on time, with their homework in their backpacks, start work, and then in the evenings run them from activity to activity and still try to teach them what's important in life somewhere in the middle of all of that.
Now, with the kids being older, yes, I still have the 2 little guys, but my energy has shifted from being busy in a calendar way to being busy worrying all the time. Different energy, still not relaxing.
So how do you slow down, relax and enjoy you life at any stage?
The obvious answers are to simplify your life.
Cut out half of your activities and say no to invitations throughout your week.
Or there's the calendaring answer.
Get everything on your calendar so you can do it all and then schedule in time for "me time".
But the truth is - feeling relaxed and enjoying your life can be done with a busy calendar, or a wide open one.
And feeling overwhelmed and obsessively worried can also be done with a busy calendar, or a wide open one.
The truth to "slowing down and relaxing" is really looking at what's going inside you at your core.
Do you feel relaxed inside? Are you feeling the joy? Are you finding happy?
What we believe on the inside is what affects everything in our life, but most importantly how we are feeling.
It also affects how we show up in all the areas of our lives. As moms, wives, sisters, workers, etc.
What's holding you back from feeling good inside?
What can you let go of?
Where can you start trusting the Lord more, and worry less?
If you're not enjoying your life, then it might be time to let some things go.
It might mean that you're carrying too many emotional bags. And some of them aren't yours to carry. Others are yours, but can be lightened greatly by adding in lots of grace and trust.
The more I've learned through life coaching, it's truly helped me learn how to face challenges in a way that creates more understanding for me and more peace inside of me.