Miracle Connection 3

Hey Christian Moms...

Wanna Help

Your Kiddo?

Hey Christian Moms....

Wanna Help

Your Kiddo?

Increase Your Influence, 

Strengthen Your Relationship,

and Help your Child Heal?

Total Investment = $2700

Then it's time to enroll today!

Create YOUR Miracle Connection Now!


The Elite Training Program to Change Your Relationship and Stop Patterns that Create Disconnect and Negatively Affect the Child.


"I'm changing and my kids are too! It's working!"   - Kara, mom of 3

Hey Christian mom,

Your older child is struggling. 

They are distant, irritable, blaming, or playing the victim.

And of course, you want to do everything you can to help!  So you say:

"You're such a good kid"

"You're God's gift"

"You've got so much potential"

But these phrases aren't working.

In fact, it's causing them to slump lower and lower and reply like this:

"Mom, you don't understand."


"Can I just go now?"

Most of the time, you're just hoping to make it through breakfast without any blow-ups, so you're walking on eggshells every day.

I hear you - we've all been there!

If you're child is struggling, it's a sign that they are feeling super disconnected.

And the scary part, is that unless this is fixed, they have to find some form of coping, no matter how dangerous that coping method is.

That's the bad news.

The GOOD NEWS is that everything is fixable!

This doesn't have to be the norm between you and your kiddo.

The Miracle Connection, will significantly improve how you connect with your child which in turn, affects how they feel and behave. 

And this is all done using the Miracle Cycle!



1 - Your child isn't acting that way because they are bad or broken.

When children are withdrawing, being rude or disrespectful, blaming everyone for their problems, avoiding their responsibilities, or acting needy, it's for one reason only...

      They are not feeling loved and connected.

2 - Love is different than connection.

I have no doubt you love your child.  You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't.   Love is providing for them, teaching them, helping them.

But what they are starving for is connection... and their behavior proves it.  Connection is the feeling of being seen and understood at a level of deep trust.  When there is true connection, their behavior improves and you become the loving advisor and confidant.

3 - Everything is fixable.

No matter where you are in your relationship, no matter what trauma has happened in the past, no matter what your kids are saying about you right now, everything is fixable!

Using the Miracle Connection Program, you can learn how great your relationship affects their inner system, and the exact steps for you to change that relationship to one of connection, trust, and unconditional love.  When they feel this, their behavior changes to trust, love, willingness, joy, and peace.  And it's not just changing them right now, it's changing your entire family for life!!!


When we can change our parenting from the RED ZONE to the GOLD ZONE



When we parent from the Red Zone, we put our kids in the Red Zone.

When we parent from the Gold Zone, we also help our kids to get in the Gold Zone as well!

The Miracle Connection Program is packed with step by step tools for you to help you learn how to move from Red to Gold in the relationship with your child. 

And that's when they FEEL loved and can mend and heal!

Your family's transformation is just a few steps away!

Client's Results Within Just Weeks

“Our home has completely changed and my daughter has too, thank you!”

Holly - mom of four

"I was able to get my daughter to have a healthy talk instead of a blow-up."

Cami - mom of five

"We had the best game night last night, no more constant tension in the home!"

Tracey - mom of four

In case we haven't met, I'm Amy Fraughton

I'm a Christian mom of 6 who passionately believes that there is so much we can still do to help our kids that are struggling and it all starts with us!

As a certified faith-based life coach,  I've helped not only my own kids to feel better, but also many, many clients learn how to get their kids through their tough times and emotions all with the power of connection.

Your kid isn't a problem child, he/she is just feeling a massive disconnection and is feeling empty.

And what they need more than anything is to feel seen and heard!  When this happens, their stress and self-defeat are diffused.   They feel lighter and more supported.   They don't have to act out or withdraw anymore because they have no reason to. 

I've seen the power of connection change so many kids! My own, and my clients, and it's a miracle every time!

equip yourself with CONNECTION-based tools


Create More Connection

Start FEELING close again, laugh again, and enjoy each other's company again.

Have Great Conversations

Learn the exact things to say to open up more conversation and talking, and no longer get eye rolls.

Love Your Child Better

Your child's big emotions are saying "I'm empty".  Learn to love them in a way that the FEEL it! 

Enjoy a Lighter Home

Take the tension out and feel things lighten up, so everyone can be themselves again.

Heal Past Pain

Your child can heal so much of their past trials with you, no counseling or therapist needed.

Be More Playful

Laugh again, play again, have more fun and enjoy a warm and loving connection. Gold Zone!


Transform Your Relationship in 3 Ways

Lessons and Tools

With 12 modules full of step by step strategies and tools on exactly what you need to do to move yourself and your child into the Gold Zone.

Live Coaching Calls

Have your questions answered live with Amy on our live coaching calls.

Group coaching calls and one on one are included.

Community Forum

Our community is a place where moms come together to learn as a group to heal, to learn, to love, and to grow together!



LOVE is the First Commandment

It comes before literally everything in life.  Learn how to use love first to connect and end conflicts and uphill battles.

Tools and Strategies

Knowing what to say, when, and how to show up in a way that the child needs is KEY!

Heal the Past Hurts and Pains

Everything is fixable and I'll show you how to clean up the past and be able to start fresh.

When We Change, They Change

Like magnets that both attract and repel, learn to change in the way that draws your child to you.

Expand Your Thinking

The "tough love" we were raised with simply doesn't work.  I'll show you what does.

Break Generational Patterns

We parent the way your parents did it.  And it's not working.  Let's change it forever.

There is no investment greater than your relationship with your child!

Isn't it worth it?

"Amy, thank you for the way you've changed our family..."  - Holly, mom of 5

Change Your Relationship Starting Today with the Miracle Connection Program

If you're ready to help you child feel better and act better, the next step is enrolling in the Miracle Connection Program to learn exactly how...

just  $2700 for ONE YEAR

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30 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

We're so confident that you'll experience big changes in your home in the first 30 days that you implement the Miracle Connection, that we're willing to back it up 100%.  If you don't feel you're getting somewhere, just let us know at any point in your first 30 days, and we'll send you a full refund.  Guaranteed.

  • Can I cancel at anytime?

    Yes, you may cancel anytime you feel you're ready to leave the program.

  • What if I need one to one coaching?

    Yes it is Christian based.  It's not a bible study, but being Christian based means that we openly talk about God and His plan for us and our children while we navigate these true principles that heal challenging relationships.

  • Is this a Christian based program?

    Yes it is Christian based.  It's not a bible study, but being Christian based means that we openly talk about God and His plan for us and our children while we navigate these challenging relationships.

  • How soon will I see results?

    Most students see small results right away, depending on the changes they are willing to make, and the results get better and better over time.

  • How long are the modules?

    The modules are actually fairly short because so much of the work is really changing your heart.   So I teach a concept through a few lessons and videos, and then you will have homework with each module.

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